• Safeguarding Policy — Suffolk Owl Sanctuary

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S.O.S. Safeguarding Policy

We want you to have a brilliant day with us at Suffolk Owl Sanctuary. That’s the most important thing. 

But sometimes we have to show our grown-up side.

So, we've got some general rules to help us make sure your day is both brilliant and safe. Please take the time to read through these and our terms and conditions carefully. It's how we can make sure there won't be any unpleasant surprises when you visit.

Here's everything you might want to know.


Please follow the information on signs and the advice of our staff at all times - it's for your safety.

We're a rural attraction, spread out over a large area, so it’s sensible to wear appropriate footwear. 

We reserve the right to refuse admission, or remove visitors from the park whose behaviour is deemed by our staff as inappropriate or detrimental to our animals.

Because nature is unpredictable and the welfare of our animals is paramount, feeding routines, demonstrations, talks and shows may be adjusted without notice.  We reserve the right to withdraw any attraction without notice.

The welfare of our animals is vitally important, which is why we don’t let dogs in the park. Also, for your dogs’ wellbeing, we don’t allow anyone to leave them in a car by themselves in the main  car park. If you need to bring your dog with you we have a limited number of day kennels, where you can leave your pet at no extra cost while you’re enjoying your visit.

Protection for visitors

Suffolk Owl Sanctuary aims to be a child-safe and vulnerable person-safe organisation.

Visitors under the age of 18 are the responsibility of their parents/guardians at all times.  Participants in our Young Falconers Courses, Meerkat Encounters and Keeper For The Day experiences under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult for their duration.

This means that we will do all we can to ensure that the experience of children under the age of 18 and vulnerable people under the age of 21 is free from any abuse or exploitation and that their experience of visiting should at all times be marked by a feeling of respect and being safeguarded.

Anyone representing Suffolk Owl Sanctuary will at all times (both in their private and professional lives) adhere to the highest standards of behavior towards children, young people and their families. Wherever any concerns are reported regarding our representatives, they will be investigated honestly and fairly with due regard to internal disciplinary procedures and national legal procedures.

We give our employees the right information about how to recognise abuse and what they can do to keep our visitors safe. We give all staff/volunteers/work placement personnel clear and simple information about how to report abuse and crime and what support we can give. 

All S.O.S. operational staff are DBS checked.

Protection for staff

We have effective ways of assessing and preventing the risk of our staff being incorrectly or falsely accused of inappropriate behaviour towards a child under the age of 18 or vulnerable person under the age of 21. We train staff how to recognise signs and take action as to how to prevent abuse occurring in all activities in the workplace.

Members of staff are not allowed in the presence children under the age of 18 or vulnerable people under the age of 21 unless another adult is also present at the same time

Members of staff are not allowed in the presence children under the age of 18 or vulnerable people under the age of 21 when administering First Aid unless another adult is also present at the same time.

Members of staff are not allowed in to travel with children under the age of 18 in vehicles unaccompanied by another adult

Members of staff are not allowed to touch, cuddle or comfort children under the age of 18 or vulnerable people under the age of 21.

Members of staff are not allowed to swear or use foul or inappropriate language or gestures in the presence children under the age of 18 or vulnerable people under the age of 21.

The roles of all staff / volunteers at Suffolk Owl Sanctuary are clear, together with the lines of accountability. Staff understand what is expected of them and their co-workers. Our staff recognise their responsibilities to each other, act upon them and accept collective responsibility for Safeguarding arrangements.