If those of you reading this blog are anything like me, then possibly your love of raptors began with a simple love of garden birds.
These wonderful creatures provide endless hours of enjoyment all year round, and they don't ask for anything in return. But as the weather turns colder at this time of year, the RSPB has reminded us we should spare a thought for our feathered garden friends by ensuring that fresh water and food scraps are in plentiful supply over the cold festive period.
Their spokesperson Colum Delaney said: “Christmas is the perfect time to give that little bit of extra attention to our garden birds. The weather has turned noticeably colder, and while we are all celebrating the festive season we should spare a thought for the regular visitors to our gardens.
At a time when we eat to excess and throw away food in equal measure, we should remember that many kitchen scraps and Christmas leftovers make ideal snacks for birds visiting our gardens and can help them get the nourishment they need to survive. Garden birds will welcome extra treats such as crumbled up mince pies, roast potatoes, cheese and of course fruit and seeds. We also urge gardeners to ensure a regular supply of fresh water, which is vital for drinking and keeping feathers clean.
Not only are we helping the birds through the cold winter but people will also attract a diverse range of birds such as house sparrows, starlings, blackbirds and song thrush, amongst others - just in time for the world’s largest bird survey, the Big Garden Birdwatch on January 26th and 27th.”
This is an ideal that we completely support here at SOS - so please give generously to the birds as well as your family, friends & relations this year - they deserve a Christmas treat!
And to all those who have faithfully read out blog throughout the course of the year (and our regular supporters as well).
We would like to wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR! We look forward to seeing you all in 2008!