Two ‘outshows’ at the weekend drew a host of interested visitors
Whilst our work with all birds of prey is of paramount importance here at the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, we are also passionate about spreading the word about raptor conservation.
Last weekend, we had two exciting opportunities to do just that. On Saturday, we went to give a talk to members of the Framlingham Wildlife Watch Group (a junior branch of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust) armed with two owls and a falcon.
The damp, drizzly weather did nothing to dispel the eagerness of the small but highly enthusiastic group. Youngsters and adults alike were enthralled by the beauty of the raptors seen at close range and listened attentively to all the information that head falconer Andy imparted about each bird. Towards the end of the talk the children took part in a quick quiz about what they had just heard. Impressively, they were able to answer every question correctly!
Sunday dawned cold but bright and once again saw us heading towards an outshow, this time with Bali the Asian Brown Wood Owl and Aukland the Boobok Owl in tow. This was a very special event taking place in the beautiful grounds of Orwell Park School, Nacton, entitled the 'Raring2go Children's Day'. It was extremely well attended and our stall had a steady flow of visitors all of whom were charmed by Bali's exotic good looks (though somewhat surprised by his un-twit-twoo like screech) and Auckland's tiny stature and cute round baby face.
“Oh no you don’t!” - Huron shows that he is not amused by our enquiring looks
It provided an excellent opportunity to explain to people about conservation in general and the work that goes on at the Sanctuary and proved a thoroughly enjoyable and successful day for all. Bali and Aukland behaved impeccably and were perfect ambassadors for us.
Meanwhile back at the centre Matt & Dean continued with the never-ending battle of keeping the grass under control and tackling the wildly sprouting Leylandii maze, while our Great Horned Owl Huron is now proudly keeping a protective eye on his missus Phoenix while she sits serenely on the clutch of eggs she has just produced.