Earlier in the year, SOS were asked to help with the launch of a new school logo - you may remember the story called “Minerva’s Eye” from September 14th.
The school logo launch was a very interesting project to be involved with, because it was based upon the eye of Minerva’s Owl (with a lot of Roman history involved) and because of the historical Owlery connection, the school asked a representative of S.O.S. to attend the logo launch with one of our feathered friends!
On that occasion Baloo, our young Bengal Eagle Owl, was drafted in to make a guest appearance and very popular he proved to be, too. Meanwhile we were impressed by just how many questions the children had to ask about owls as a result of seeing Baloo in the flesh, but sadly on that occasion the 'paparazzi' called in the event and Baloo was whisked away to do the all important ‘photo-shoot’ for the local press.
What was clear, however, was that the children were clearly fascinated by raptors and for us, it felt really good too establish a strong bond with such a prominent local school. As a follow-up, we're pleased to say that - having apparently made a lasting "first" impression - we were flattered to be asked back to Ipswich High School for Girls to help with yet another launch! Head of the School, Elaine Purves and Head of the Nursery School, Jane Pomeroy, wanted us to help with the launch of their new WOODLAND NURSERY, which is located within the school grounds.
We were invited to the ceremony in a symbolic capacity, signifying the launch of the nursery by "launching" one of our fabulous birds into the air. On this occasion it was Cedar the Harris Hawk who thrilled the crowds with his ariel dexterity.
That said, as magnificent as Harris’ Hawks are, they don’t have the appropriate tools for the requisite cutting of the ceremonial green ribbon which opened the Woodland Nursery, so a suitable local celebrity - Jimmy Doherty of TV's "Jimmy's Farm" fame, was drafted in to perform the honours. It was very nice to meet Mr. Doherty in person and it was a lovely gesture he made to the school by giving up his time to publicize the launch.
Jimmy Doherty of TV's "Jimmy's Farm" fame opened the new project
The reason we were particularly pleased to be involved was because this pre-school focuses heavily on 'green' issues especially concerning respect for the countryside, and it does so in a way that very young children will understand and appreciate, much evidence of which can be seen in much of the artwork adorning the classroom walls of the school - an example of which you can see pictured here. So, congratulation to Ipswich High School for Girls for all their educational efforts regarding environmental issues, and long may it continue!
The pupils show plenty of concern for 'green' issues in their decorative classroom artworks
PLEASE NOTE: If you know of a local school in East Anglia who deserve a special mention for their environmental/ conservational Activities, why not drop us a line and we will be happy to write a post about them on our website. Likewise, if you know a local school or youth group who could benefit from an SOS Educational visit, then please let us know!