World Wildlife Day 2021

For World Wildlife Day 2021 we thought we would celebrate the wonderful Wildlife that call Suffolk Owl Sanctuary home!

Many of our visitors will know that in addition to our captive birds, we attract numerous wild birds, from Blue Tits, Robins and Blackbirds to Starlings, Green Woodpeckers and Sparrowhawks. Sometimes our pond on the flying arena even attracts ducks, but they never stay very long!

We also encourage insects to pay us a visit, and last summer we planted wildflower mixes in some of the spaces between aviaries to provide food for pollinators such as butterflies, moths, bees and beetles, as well as to brighten the place up a bit.

Our Woodland Walk features several wildlife friendly areas, including a pond, insect hotel, log piles and overgrown areas. These are vital refuges for insects, birds, amphibians and small mammals, where they can find food and shelter.

To find out how you can make your own garden wildlife friendly, why not visit our resources to:
Make a Bug Hotel:

Build a Pond:

Make a Recycled Bird Feeder:

When we had snow in January/ February, we placed a Trail Cam on the Flying Arena and captured this lovely footage of a night-time visitor.