Babergh Council lend a hand

We recently welcomed a team from Babergh Council to take part in a group volunteer day. We're grateful for their continued support after they generously contributed towards our Raptor Hospital Appeal a few years ago.

The team from Babergh Council

With some new additions to our animal collection due in the near future, we made use of the extra pairs of hands to clear out the old fox enclosure and make it ready for the new residents.

Hard at work. The first task was to clear all the substrate from the enclosure

The indoor area gets a fresh lick of paint

The first task was to clear out all of the slate and bark chippings from the base of the enclosure. This required quite a bit of teamwork, with the group splitting into teams of shovellers and pushers. Once the enclosure was empty, they got to work painting the indoor area and scrubbing down the outdoor area.

Volunteer Co-ordinator Beckie said “We are so grateful to the group from Babergh Council for coming in to help us with this big task! It would have taken our small team of volunteers several days to complete the work, but they managed to get it all done in just a few hours!”

The old fox enclosure will soon be home to some very exciting and exotic looking mammals as we diversify our collection. We’re sure they will be a hit with all our visitors, and hope to be able to offer more hands on experiences in due course once they’ve settled in.