Last month we reported that our winter building project was nearing completion, with the creation of a new row of aviaries for our flying team.
Shortly after our birds moved in, we received news that our Flying Displays were grounded due to local cases of Avian Influenza. Having worked really hard to get all the birds back into fitness after the winter off to complete this building project, it looked like the effort had been wasted. However, we are pleased to report that the new aviaries have provided some great opportunities for us to continue working with our birds in a safe environment.
Our original block of aviaries had a long safety corridor along the length, which provided a small covered area to exercise some of the smaller birds in wet weather. With the building of a new row of aviaries behind this, it was decided to create a larger corridor, furnished with some perches to allow some of our larger birds the chance to exercise in privacy.
As this corridor is netted to prevent wild birds from entering, it has allowed us to continue working with our birds during our lockdown.
Our falconers have also spent time creating enrichment for our birds so that they are still physically and mentally stimulated while not being flown outdoors.
Birds like Fred, our Crested Caracara are naturally curious and have proven themselves to be quick problem solvers. Owls, on the other hand, are not actually that intelligent (despite the saying of the Wise Old Owl), and most dislike new additions to their enclosures. However, with some tasty tidbits to tempt them, some of our Owls have enjoyed engaging with some balls stuffed with newspaper and pieces of chick. This not only keeps the brain cells active, but encourages them to move around aswell.
Fred enjoyed exploring his new aviary once it was furnished and planted with donations!
In addition to novel enrichment such as toys, we have been thankful to local businesses for donating items to furnish the new aviaries and make them more interesting for our birds. Special thanks to Suffolk Rural Solutions for donating a large number of tree stumps and branches which are perfect for creating perches, and to Botanica Nurseries for donating some shrubs which will help provide some cover for the birds.