Baby Tawny Owls seem to be needing lots of help this year, which we’re only too happy to provide.
This little one was found by a cyclist, having being blown out of the tree. Unfortunately, it had hit the floor with a bit of a thump and had some bruising, so we asked one of our OwlReach volunteers to collect it and bring it in.
Upon arrival, it was assessed and given some pain medication before being taken home with Jess for 24 hour care. After a few hours, she opened the box to check on it, only to discover it had produced this HUGE pellet! It must have been so uncomfortable before coughing this up, as you can see, the pellet is about the same size as a full grown adult vole.
Having regurgitated it’s last wild meal, the Owlet enjoyed a slightly more manageable meal of mouse, before settling down for a nap. The soft toy provides some comfort for young animals that have been separated from their parents and siblings, but this little one will soon join our other Owl Babies Sarah, Percy and Bill in our small aviary, where they can grow in confidence and strength before their released at a local hack site.