Three Tawny Owlets ready for release
The Food Museum in Stowmarket installed a hack pen a few months ago and have been assisting us with our rehabilitation of wild birds of prey that have ended up in our Raptor Hospital.
With a large number of Tawny Owlets taking up aviary space, we moved the three largest Owlets to the empty hack site following the release of a Buzzard.
Sarah, Percy and Ginger were moved last month and we installed a trail camera to monitor their behaviour. It was lovely to see them interacting with each other and reacting to the local wildlife, including, we think, hunting for their own prey!
After a few weeks of building their fitness, Tom was pleased to open the hatch to give the Owlets access to the wild. The moment was caught on camera below.
The Museum will continue to feed the Owlets until they stop visiting the site.