We are delighted to be working in partnership with Suffolk Rural College to provide some of their students with work skills.
Earlier this year, students from the college built a number of Barn Owl nest boxes for us, as part of the introduction to their college course. This week, Jess and Jay were accompanied by some of the students to install one of the boxes locally to replace an old box that had fallen off the tree. Overlooking fields and hedgerows, this location is perfect for Barn Owls and we have every confidence that the box will be used by the local population in the future.
The group then returned to the Sanctuary to help us carry out groundwork tasks. Over the course of this term, they have done a fantastic job of helping to move woodchip to our Woodland Walk path, clear rubble from an area we have been developing, painting our new shelter on the flying ground and general gardening jobs around the site.
“We always look forward to working with Suffolk Rural and its students. It gives them the opportunity to learn employability skills in a relaxed environment, all while teaching us a thing or two along the way.” - Beckie, Volunteer Coordinator