A Tightrope-Walking Raptor...

Fascinating Raptor Facts
A couple of weeks back, I was enchanted to watch one of the amazing flying displays that take place at the Sanctuary every day between April and September.


One of the most intriguing raptors in this particular display was Pungu our Bateleur Eagle, who would hail from Africa in her natural state. The Bateleur is also sometimes known as the Serpent Eagle, so no guesses for what her favourite snack in the wild would be. Bateleur is a french term (so I’m reliably informed by Andy, who is a mine of information about these things) which means ‘tight-rope walker’. This was a name given to the eagle by a french chap, who noticed that the Bateleur had a rather strange method of slowing down when in flight. He discovered that this raptor uses a peculiar rocking motion, which reminded him of a tight-rope walker balancing with a pole and rocking from side to side. The Bateleur Eagle is the only raptor to adopt this odd behaviour, which is due to the fact that it has an extremely short tail and therefore can’t use its tail, as other raptors do, as a breaking mechanism.

Being a serpent hunter is a dodgy buisness, but Pungu has two very special techniques that make her very adept at this. First, her very short tail allows her to be the only raptor that can walk backwards, which means that she can stay well out of reach of a striking snake. Secondly, she has an amazing crest that she can fan out so that any successful venemous attack will just hit her feathers, thus protecting her from being poisoned. Pungu is also rather partial to a bit of sunbathing. When it’s sunny, she likes nothing better than to fan out her resplendent wing feathers to absorb the sun – she looks for all the world as though she has a pair of solar panels attached! Quite a captivating raptor, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Essex Wildlife Country Fair
Over the weekend, the Essex Wildlife Trust hosted their Wildlife Country Fair at Abberton Reservoir. Andy our manager attended for the fourth year running, to promote the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary. Originally, we were invited to the fair after the Essex Wildlife Trust gave us permission to release a Short Eared Owl on their nature reserve at Great Wigborough. The owl had come to us in an exhausted state via the Raptor Trust after landing on an oil rig on the North Norfolk Coast. It was flown to us by Western Helicopters and then, once it had recuperated at the Sanctuary, taken to the nature reserve.

This year Andy took May the Merlin, who was a super attraction to the many bird watchers attending the event. Although she is a native raptor to the UK, many bird watchers have never seen a Merlin up so close before. He also took our old friend Auckland, the Boobook Owl (our consumate show professional) and two of our babies, the Asian Brown Wood Owl chick and the Southern Faced Scops Owl chick. These were a fantastic draw for kids as they are respectively only four and five weeks old. It was an excellent event, thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Raptor Baby Boom Continues
It has been a wonderful breeding season here at the Sanctuary and we are really chuffed with how many sturdy little chicks our raptors have produced. Just to give you a brief update, the first of our Snowy Owl eggs started pipping last Saturday and hatched the following day. This was rapidly followed by a further two hatching on Tuesday and then Thursday.

Lilly our Little Owl has been sitting comfortably on her clutch of three, two of which decided to brave the outside world on Wednesday of this week. We are particularly pleased with these little fellas; they are second generation to the Sanctuary as we bred their mum Lilly back in 2004!

The Lanner Falcons produced their second clutch of eggs, two of which proved to be fertile. We were very excited when one hatched on Sunday last, closely followed by the second on Wednesday of this week. All in all, a fantastic week for raptor babes.

Chicklets & Twiglets...

Over the years we have experienced many unusual instances of ‘raptor rescue’ but just recently saw a first, when we received a nest with three baby tawny owls still in it!

These three young tawny owlets arrived complete with nest…

These three young tawny owlets arrived complete with nest…

Apparently a local couple had decided to cut down a tree, totally unaware that there was a nest in it. Fortunately, they had the presence of mind to contact the 'Suffolk Wildlife Rescue' group. A member of their team, Alex, immediately collected the birds and brought them straight over to us.

... seen here on Maz’s desk before moving (sans chicks!) to our museum

... seen here on Maz’s desk before moving (sans chicks!) to our museum

Conservation Officer Dean has since taken them under his wing, so to speak, by feeding them every four hours and taking them home to keep an eye on them overnight. They are now thriving and, in a mere two weeks, have already doubled in size! It's not always easy to tell at this stage, but the falconers think we have two girls and one boy. The reason for this is that two of them are noticeably bigger than the other one and where raptors are concerned the females are usually larger than the males.

It won't be long before the tawnies are left in an aviary, so that they do not become imprinted on humans - this happens with hand rearing, where a raptor sees humans as its source of food. It will also give them chance to learn to fly.

All being well, in two months time when they are three months old, the tawnies will be released to resume their lives in their natural habitat. Meanwhile the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) have now ringed them, which helps to provide a record of the number of birds that have been hacked back to the wild.


So far, it has been a wonderful spring for baby events here at the Sanctuary, too. Our two Eagle Owl chicks have absolutely blossomed and now look like enormous fluffy balls as opposed to small fluffy blobs. Much as we would like to keep all of our babies at Stonham, it's a logistical impossibility and so many will move on to other homes, where we know they will be extremely well cared for. One of the Eagle Owl chicks however, whom the falconers have now named 'Amber', will be staying with us. At the moment she has pride of place in the office, where she snuggles under Maz's desk keeping a close eye on proceedings.

Our baby star of the week has to be our Asian Brown Wood Owl, who has alternately slept and squeaked his way through three days of school visits. He has been totally unfazed by the multitude of captivated faces peering down at him, accompanied by the usual chorus of admiring 'ooohs' and 'aaahs' and has stretched his wings, fluffed his feathers and staggered appealingly as he finds his feet; like a true pro!

Fascinating Raptor Facts

One of the raptors I have had the fortune to spend a fair amount of time with, is Bali the Asian Brown Wood Owl. He is definitely a seasoned expert when it comes to school visits, exhibitions and flying displays and knows how to utilise his stunning looks to the best advantage.

In his natural habitat, Bali would come from the rainforest regions of Malaysia, spending much of his time high up in the leafy canopy. His amazing colouring is due largely to the need for camouflage. Barring on his wings looks exactly like the branches of the trees he sits on, which means he blends in rather nicely, hence avoiding the notice of any would-be predators. Babies are fully grown at about three to four months, so this camouflage is particularly handy when you're only a very young Wood Owl with very little possibility of escape.

A curious feature of the Malaysian Wood Owl is that from time to time it will choose to eat fish. Owls are dependent on keeping their feathers well oiled for cleanliness and protection from rain, so fishing is an unusual pastime for this species to undertake. Most children tend to think that all owls say tu-whit or tu-whoo, but Bali is an excellent example of the fact that they don't - not only does he emit an ear piercing shriek, he also does it with frequent monotony much to the astonishment of onlookers!

To learn more about Bali and all the other raptors, why not come and see us at the Sanctuary? We look forward to seeing you!

Chicks, Chicks, Chicks...

There has been an air of eager anticipation here at the Sanctuary of late, with everyone waiting expectantly for not just one happy event, but a whole plethora!  Currently, the falconers are hand-rearing two Eagle Owl chicks, one Asian Brown Wood Owl chick and two Lanner Falcon chicks.  The Eagle Owl chicks are looking very plump and sturdy already and the Asian Brown, still tiny as yet, is being kept safe and warm in one of our brooders at a constant temperature between 25-26 degrees.

Down in the garden, something stirred.... one of the young Eagle Owl chicks enjoys some time in the sun

Down in the garden, something stirred.... one of the young Eagle Owl chicks enjoys some time in the sun

The arrival of this latter well & truly caught the attention of the media, and they were featured locally on the BBC and the Ipswich Star newspaper, as well as a story which ran in the Daily Telegraph - click here to see what they had to say.Meanwhile our Great Horned Owls, Huron and Pheonix, hatched two chicks last Monday and Wednesday respectively. Sadly one of these only survived for a couple of days as it was decidedly weak and could not be saved, but the other is in fine fettle. More successfully, the Booboks produced one youngster on Sunday the 26 April and as I write, one of the Southern Faced Scops Owls is also hatching.   

A-Level Art
Amidst all this excitement we have already put our new pavilion to excellent use.  The A-level art students from Northgate High School in Ipswich have taken part in a competition to create individual ‘owl’ posters.  These are now all on display in the pavilion, along with voting slips for our visitors to nominate their favourite one.  The winning design will be used to advertise the Sanctuary and the winning artist will receive a free owl adoption for one year.  The cut off date for voting is the end of May bank holiday and we will let you know as soon as we have the results, as well as post all the designs here to our website. 

Note from a Novice
As a newcomer to the world of raptors and falconry, I am just beginning to touch on some of the vast extent of knowledge and skill entailed in looking after birds of prey.  To date I have: discovered how to prepare raptor delicacies (rather a messy process involving the removal of various internal bits from rats & mice, which I won’t elaborate on); held an owl on a falconry glove (just a small one) and wondered why my arm nearly fell off the next day and learnt how to tie a falconer’s knot, courtesy of Dean who actually made this incomprehensible tangle of rope remarkably straightforward.  

For a person who is passionate about all wildlife, I have to admit to knowing very little about raptors.  What has amazed me over the last few months as I have been writing this blog is the realization that each bird of prey has its own distinctive personality.   Suddenly they’re not just birds but unique characters – wonderful! 

Fascinating Raptor Facts
On Friday last, I had the real privilege of watching one of the amazing aerial displays that take place here twice a day from April through to September.  Apart from being a stunning way to see various raptors take to the skies in all their full glory, I was impressed by how much information it was possible to glean from one demonstration.  

This action shot of Mir, the Steppe Eagle, by our friend Brian Macfarlane shows off the immense size & strength of the wings that transport the species over the Himalayas from Russia to Africa and back every year....

This action shot of Mir, the Steppe Eagle, by our friend Brian Macfarlane shows off the
immense size & strength of the wings that transport the species over the Himalayas from Russia to Africa and back every year....

The first bird in the demonstration was Mir the Steppe Eagle, who is fourteen years old.  On the steppes of her native Russia, with a bit of luck she would live until she was about 25, but here at the Sanctuary there is a good chance she will continue on well into her forties!  Life in the wild is tough for a Steppe Eagle as they have to undertake the longest migration of any Eagle species - all the way from Russia to Africa.  

Not only is this a tremendous distance, but also involves some drastic changes in situation for the Steppe Eagle.  For example, in Russia Mir would be pretty much the top predator, with marmots being her cuisine of choice.  Once in Africa however, she would suddenly be right down in the pecking order near to the bottom of the food chain.  As if that weren’t bad enough, in Africa there are no marmots either.  However there are plenty of other things she would eat such as lizards and her favourite African delicacy would be – you’d never guess –termites!  Given that Mir weighs a stately 6 ½ pounds and has a wing span of around 6 feet, you might think that a diet of termites would leave her feeling rather peckish.  Well, as long as a Steppe Eagle can devour around 2 to 2 ½ thousand termites then apparently that’s no problem! 

So that was Mir.  I also learnt a whole host of fascinating facts about Cobweb the Barn Owl, Nell the Saker Falcon, Bali the Asian Brown Wood Owl and Gypsy the American Black Vulture – but space eludes me.  Be sure to log on for next week’s instalment!  Better still, come to the Sanctuary and see these amazing birds for yourself. 

The Raptor Education Pack

Part of our remit as a charity is to inform young people about owls & other birds of prey, to promote an understanding of wild raptors & their needs and to help raise awareness of the importance of their conservation for the future. 

So we are pleased to announce the launch of its new SOS Raptor Pack for Teachers - an extensive resource for use in schools to help promote these goals.

This 3-stage programme covering Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1 & 2 was created for S.O.S. by team members Ashley Costin & David Nadauld and is available for free review and download now.

Although designed to provide an educational resource which reflects the National Curriculum requirements, many aspects of the Raptor Pack - which includes stories, games, activities & quizzes - will appeal to all youngsters with an interest in nature, and birds o prey in particular.

Teacher notes, objectives & outcome notes, cross-curricula guidance and additional resource advice is supplied with each pack.

Please take a look, and members of the public should also feel free to download some or all of the pack if they would like to. Meanwhile, we are keen to get some feedback from teachers, so please e-mail us to let us know what you think, and how you feel we may improve the contents!

Caracara Studies

Whilst all the team work very hard here at S.O.S, we are always most grateful to our wonderful group of vounteers, who balk at no job however mucky or smelly. One of our volunteers, Kate, has been studying hard at Otley College - a local education centre which specialises in matters agricultural - and been doing some interesting research into the behaviour of two unusual raptors here at Stonham. Here’s what she had to say:

In October I began volunteering at Suffolk Owl Sanctuary to further my experience of working in the animal care industry in support of the Foundation Degree in Animal Management I am studying for at Otley. My studies in animal behaviour required me to perform an enrichment study on animals in captivity and I chose to study the behaviour of the Yellow Headed Caracaras at S.O.S., Carla and Rico.

The Bug Log was placed inside the Caracara’s Aviary

The Bug Log was placed inside the Caracara’s Aviary

In their native regions the Yellow Headed Caracara is nicknamed the ‘Tick Bird’ due to its habit of riding on the backs of cattle and feeding on insects and parasites. The aim of my study was to offer Carla and Rico the opportunity to forage for insects within their enclosure. The enrichment device that provided foraging opportunities was simply a log with niches cut into it. Insects were placed in the niches for Carla and Rico to find and feed on.

The results show that the introduction of the device reduced the amount of vocalising performed by both birds; increased the foraging behaviour performed by Rico and increased the range of behaviours performed by Carla.

One of the Bugs used in the experiment

One of the Bugs used in the experiment

The results suggest that the percentage of time perching was unaltered, however observations revealed that the range of perches used was markedly increased after we introduced the enrichment device. Overall the study showed that the enrichment device provided the Caracaras with a new object of interest, and made them more active, which can be beneficial to their welfare. Also, it seems that Carla is developing quite a taste for mealworms!

Kate Whittaker

Out and About

Two ‘outshows’ at the weekend drew a host of interested visitors

Two ‘outshows’ at the weekend drew a host of interested visitors

Whilst our work with all birds of prey is of paramount importance here at the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, we are also passionate about spreading the word about raptor conservation.

Last weekend, we had two exciting opportunities to do just that. On Saturday, we went to give a talk to members of the Framlingham Wildlife Watch Group (a junior branch of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust) armed with two owls and a falcon.

The damp, drizzly weather did nothing to dispel the eagerness of the small but highly enthusiastic group. Youngsters and adults alike were enthralled by the beauty of the raptors seen at close range and listened attentively to all the information that head falconer Andy imparted about each bird. Towards the end of the talk the children took part in a quick quiz about what they had just heard. Impressively, they were able to answer every question correctly!

Sunday dawned cold but bright and once again saw us heading towards an outshow, this time with Bali the Asian Brown Wood Owl and Aukland the Boobok Owl in tow. This was a very special event taking place in the beautiful grounds of Orwell Park School, Nacton, entitled the 'Raring2go Children's Day'. It was extremely well attended and our stall had a steady flow of visitors all of whom were charmed by Bali's exotic good looks (though somewhat surprised by his un-twit-twoo like screech) and Auckland's tiny stature and cute round baby face.

“Oh no you don’t!” - Huron shows that he is not amused by our enquiring looks

“Oh no you don’t!” - Huron shows that he is not amused by our enquiring looks

It provided an excellent opportunity to explain to people about conservation in general and the work that goes on at the Sanctuary and proved a thoroughly enjoyable and successful day for all. Bali and Aukland behaved impeccably and were perfect ambassadors for us.

Meanwhile back at the centre Matt & Dean continued with the never-ending battle of keeping the grass under control and tackling the wildly sprouting Leylandii maze, while our Great Horned Owl Huron is now proudly keeping a protective eye on his missus Phoenix while she sits serenely on the clutch of eggs she has just produced.

Yes, love is in the air (again)

Seven days ago we were hopeful that 'spring had sprung' and, apart from a couple of lingering frosts this week, there are still more signs that mother nature is waking up from her long sleep.

Great proof of this is in our woodland walk, where the primroses are already blooming and there is an abundance of green foliage where the bluebells and red campion are beginning to flourish.

The primroses are up, whilst bluebells & red campion show first signs of life

The primroses are up, whilst bluebells & red campion show first signs of life

On the hospital front, the Tawny Owl with the infected foot is doing well, though we thought it appropriate to keep him in the flight recovery aviary for a few more days, just to be on the safe side; hopefully he will be flying free again within the week.

The second Tawny Owl brought in recently - the one who appeared to have been in some kind of road traffic accident we reported on last week - benefited from a quiet spell in the hospital and was successfully hacked back to the wild during the week.

Demonstrating the superb camouflage of the Tawny Owl, our road casualty from last week was released this week and we managed to capture a snap of him hiding amongst the ivy...

Demonstrating the superb camouflage of the Tawny Owl, our road casualty from last week was released this week and we managed to capture a snap of him hiding amongst the ivy...

Romance appears to be well & truly in the air as far as the birds are concerned, with our Great Horned Owls among the first to demonstrate that they are 'getting in the mood' (to use Andy’s technical term) for breeding again as they go through their pretty agressive mating display. This pair have successfully bred for the last two years and are a very good mum and dad - so here's hoping!

Huron & Phoenix are in the mood for lurve and both are strutting their stuff with a mating display typical of the Great Horned Owl

Huron & Phoenix are in the mood for lurve and both are strutting their stuff with a mating display typical of the Great Horned Owl

Meanwhile, as we benefit from improving weather, preparations continue for the new season of flying displays which start early in April and most of the birds that participate are pretty much up and running, or perhaps I should say, flying.

Now is the time when our avian friends are exercised regularly to acclimatise them to their natural flying weight. For the Owls, this entails some fairly stately flying back & forth to the glove of the falconers, but for some of the falcons the exercise regime is more vigorous in nature as the falcons swoop & dive to a 'swing lure'- a leather pad attached to the end of an eight foot line onto which a tasty morsel is tied, which is skilfully swung by the falconer to simulate the way that the falcon would chase its aerial prey in the wilds.

Three more raptors have also now come back into training this week and are out on their perches enjoying the warm spring sun. Taiga, the Great Grey Owl; Aukland. the Boobok Owl and Ash, the Common Buzzard are each an important part of the team here as they are the ons involved in the half day hawk and owl awareness sessions that the sanctuary runs in the summer.

And last but not least, the human team are continuing to make impressive improvements here at SOS. The gift shop has had a makeover and looks very bright and fresh andAndy has put the finishing touches to the new children's playhouse and the pavilion has finally been completed, so all in all, we’re looking forward to welcoming visitors to the Centre again as the drab days of winter recede.

A Sad Loss

It is with very much regret that we announce the unexpected & tragic demise of one of the Trustees of the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, Mrs Paula Beckett, who died recently as a result of complications which followed a recent onset of double pneumonia.

Paula has been associated with S.O.S. since its establishment and a Trustee for the past four years. She served the charity in a supervisory capacity with humour, good grace and a natural degree of common sense which proved invaluable. Her sparky character and behind-the-scenes diligence in monitoring the execution of our responsibilities will be much missed by everyone involved with the running of Suffolk Owl Sanctuary.

Paula is succeeded by her husband Fred and three young children, to whom we are sure you will join us in extending heartfelt condolences.

If at first you don't succeed...

As usual, amidst the excitement of new aviaries being built, floods, snow-storms and getting the display birds back to fitness, the important work of raptor conservation continues at SOS.

At the moment, thankfully, the hospital is relatively quiet, with the exception of a tawny owl that arrived on the SOS doorstep back on the 8th December 2008.

As with many of the birds of prey who come to us here at the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, this tawny owl was in a pretty poor condition. Apart from being in a state of distress, he was also very dehydrated which, in a bird of prey, can be as devastating as starvation. Our first priority was to get some fluids back into the poor little fellow via a process known as ‘crop tubing’. This enables important fluids to be introduced from the throat directly to the stomach. It can look a little bit uncomfortable, but it’s the most effective way of ensuring that these essential fluids, including glucose and vitamins, are released into the bird’s system. It is an absolutely vital element to aid the process of recovery.


Once the tawny owl was in a fit state to be properly examined, the falconers were able to assess any damage more clearly. It was obvious that the owl had an injured toe and, on closer inspection, it was agreed that the best option was to amputate it.

Once again, as on so many occasions, the team at Stowe Vets were called in and with their help and expertise, the amputation went smoothly and we hoped that the tawny owl was now well on the road to recovery.

Ah, well, best laid plans…

On the morning of Friday 20th February 2009 (which just goes to show how long it can take to rehabilitate an injured bird of prey) one of the falconers discovered that the tawny had an infection in the foot which had had the toe amputated. So on Friday afternoon, we waved Dean back off to Stowe Vets again and…

Well, as soon as we know the outcome, you will too!

For the moment, life at SOS trundles on.

Topped and Tailed

The first week in February is an exciting time as the falconers at the Centre start to look ahead to the new display season, when many of our birds are flown free to demonstrate to our visitors their many & varied aerial skills. This year, the season begins on Good Friday in mid-April; not as far away as it seems - but hopefully considerably warmer! There's a lot to be done in preparation and first priority is to begin to reclaim some of the display team.

Having had a good rest over the winter months, the first raptors to be reclaimed at SOS were 'Comet', the male Peregrine Falcon and 'Nell', the Saker Falcon. Both Comet and Nell have had an extra long sabbatical from flying, as they both began to moult early at the end of last season (moulting is where raptors drop old feathers to make way for new ones to grow). Now that they have finished their moult, their retraining can begin in earnest.

Initially, once Comet and Nell had been reclaimed, the first thing the falconers did was to place a hood over each bird's head. This helps to keep them nice and calm whilst the rest of the necessary equipment is attached. Next, each bird had an anklet, jess and bell fastened to its leg. The jess is part of a tethering system for attaching the bird to a perch or glove. The bell helps the falconer to keep track of a bird when it's flying free. After this Comet and Nell each had a swivel and leash attached, which helps to prevent them from getting tangled up on their perches.

New jesses & bells are fitted, giving the falconer an aural take on where his charges are!

New jesses & bells are fitted, giving the falconer an aural take on where his charges are!

Whilst the birds are relaxed & quiet, two other important bits of ‘bird m.o.t’ are undertaken - coping, by which any overgrown elements of the beak are gently & carefully filed back so the creature has no difficulty eating; and ‘clipping’, a process where the over-long talons are clipped back. Then comes the important fitting of the 'tailmount', which allows a transmitter to be affixed before the bird is flown free - if one of the falcons suddenly gets a bit of 'wander lust', the falconer can easily keep track of it so that it doesn't get lost.

“Coping” - gently filing away any overgrowth of the beak

“Coping” - gently filing away any overgrowth of the beak

Now complete with their various bits of equipment, it was time for Comet and Nell to have their first 'weigh in' - something we all dread post Christmas! Comet weighed in at 1lb, 9.5 oz; just a little on the tubby side - time to cut out the mince pies and start up the exercise regime! Nell weighed 2lb, 4.5 oz - slightly lean for her species, so the weeks ahead will be used to build up her flight fitness.

At last Comet and Nell were ready to put on their perches, where they settled comfortably as though they had never been away.

And so the new falconry year begins!

News of Poor Wolter...

Welcome back to the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary blog. We would like to wish you all a slightly belated, but none-the-less heartfelt, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Life has been extremely busy at the sanctuary since the posting of our last blog and we have a number of exciting projects lined up for 2009 - about which, more in a minute.

But first, you may remember just over a year ago, we posted a story about ‘Poor Wolter’, who also featured on our ‘adopt-an-owl’ leaflets. To recap briefly, Wolter came to us in a rather confused state, with a terrific shiner, looking as though he had tackled Mike Tyson.


Since then we have had many interested enquiries about Wolter’s state of health, but we can’t give you an up-to-date report because, thankfully, he’s flying free back in the wild - and we haven’t seen him since his release. But suffice to say we hope the healing benefits of time, lots of TLC and, as always, the skill and dedication of the team here at SOS, stood him in good stead since we sucessfully hacked him back to his natural environment.

Now, a lot’s been going on here at the Sanctuary over the winter, and over the next few weeks we’ll bring you up to speed on a variety of topics. We’ve been working hard to produce a new teacher’s pack for use in primary schools - our aim being not only to inform young people about birds of prey, but also to help raise awareness of the importance of conservation issues and protection of wild animals in a local and global context. If you’d like to know more, please email info@owl-help.org.uk

Meanwhile Andy and his team are also working away in all weathers repairin’ and a’fixin’ the aviaries, and - following our successful DEFRA Inspection - making sure we comply with the many new rules & regulations that have recently come into play for establishments like ours in the interests of the health & safety not only of our avian wards, but also human visitors, too!

We’ve also been planning our new events schedule for 2009 with all kinds of entertainments and holiday fun for all the family, as well as some treats especially for all those hard working mums and dads, too. Check out the S.O.S. Events 2009 page for the list so far... but watch this space for further additions, or better still, subscribe to our RSS Feed by simply clicking the button at the bottom of the column to the left here - then all the news from the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary will automatically be delivered to your computer or phone whenever it’s published.

Finally, a couple of days ago, we witnessed a nostalgic arrival at our doors in the shape of this rather handsome vintage bus. Its occupants alighted without the slightest idea of what to expect, as they were part of an enthralling mystery tour from Norwich. But our team were ready and waiting to enlighten them with a guided tour of the centre, and we understand a good time was had by all!

All's Well...

A week is a long time in falconry, and just seven days ago we were all very much down in the dumps following the break-in at S.O.S., during the course of which 10 owls were irresponsibly released by vandals as they smashed their way through 30 of the aviaries at the centre, leaving a trail of some £2000 worth of damage to locks, woodwork & netting behind them.  

Police continued to use the evidence they gathered to find the perpetrators, and want to speak to a group of three men aged in their late teens to mid 20s who were seen walking along the A1120 towards the A140 near to the sanctuary at about 8.30am on Friday 6th September. They had shoulder-length hair and were carrying bags. Calls in relation to this incident should be made to Pc Paul Cocksedge at Eye Police, 01284 774100 or Crimestoppers, 0800 555111.

Meanwhile, a week later we’re very pleased to report that things are now getting back to normal. Following an anxious time when we pondered the fate of Isis, the Pharaohs Eagle Owl - the only raptor who had not made it back to the fold after an intensive week of hunting and gathering by our falconry team - a wet and bedraggled creature returned to the Sanctuary late on Friday afternoon.

Returned to the fold - Isis was safely gathered in on Friday afternoon

Returned to the fold - Isis was safely gathered in on Friday afternoon

That was Matt, our head falconer, soaked to the skin and muddy to the elbows. However, he did have with him Isis, who had finally retrieved from a garden just a couple of miles from the centre. Pleased to say, Isis appeared none the worse for wear if perhaps a little hungry - a kindly neighbour had alerted us to his whereabouts mid-week and Matt, Andy & Dean then paid daily visits to leave food in the vicinity, but though Isis was reluctant to be caught up in the early days, Matt is convinced the thought of a proper meal was what probably diluted his resolve to remain in splendid isolation up a tree for much longer.


It has to be said we were surprised by the levels of publicity the event generated, but even more so, by the amount of sympathy and generosity which has poured forth from well wishers since last weekend. Suffice it to say your support has been very encouraging in the face of adversity, and we thank each and every one of you for your heartening messages!


Last weekend saw the East Anglian Country & Falconry Fair take place at Stonham Barns, right next to the Sanctuary, We would love to say it was a rip-roaring success - and for many it was - but the cloud of gloom being experienced by our staff was perfectly matched by the rain clouds that dominated the skies for much of the event, soaking a great many people in the process.  

Nevertheless, falconers being a hearty lot and well used to tramping cold, wet and muddy landscapes throughout the winter as they give their birds the freedom of the skies, were undeterred by the downpours and all had a good time meeting suppliers, colleagues and associates as they swapped stories & experiences. We are sorry that the persistent rain may have spoiled the day for some of our younger visitors but be assured, we’ll have ‘a word upstairs’ to see if we can ensure good weather for next year’s event!

Attacked by Vandals

As you may have heard or seen on national radio and TV, we're sad to report the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary was attacked by vandals on Thursday evening last.

Breaking in through one of the perimeter hedges, the perpetrators used bolt cutters and brute force to cut off the security locks of 30 aviaries in an attempt to release the enclosed birds from their habitats. Luckily only a dozen birds flew off, with the remainder choosing to stay put in their familiar surroundings.

Manager Andy Hulme discovered the crime when he arrived for work at 8.30am on Friday, noticing one of the Snowy Owls sitting loose on a grassed area at the centre. A quick investigation revealed the magnitude of the damage, and the discovery of one of the released Eagles attacking a Harris Hawk on our flying ground. which was a distressing sight.

Andy & a policeman inspect the damage

Andy & a policeman inspect the damage

Having separated and re-housed these two, our immediate thought was for the survival of the birds that had been set loose, because with one exception they were hand reared, non native species who would - without the immediate knowledge & experience of fending for themselves - find it difficult to survive in the wild for more than a few days without nourishment. Paradoxically our greatest fear was for one of our tiniest birds, Titch the Burrowing Owl, who as a very small desert-dwelling species would be unable to find a suitable diet even perchance and would also be subject to mobbing or attack by larger birds.

The locks of 30 aviaries were smashed and birds released

The locks of 30 aviaries were smashed and birds released

The media were soon to pick up on this aspect of the story and led with it as the main aspect of their reporting - "Free to Die" was one newspaper headline, followed by an article castigating the callousness of those who committed the act, and pre-supposing that should the vandals be activists, they were very ignorant ones.  

For our part, we think animal rights activists are unlikely to be behind the break-in, as in our experience they are usually well intentioned, have a considered knowledge of their targets and usually claim responsibility for their actions.  

Rather, we think that this was a case of willful vandalism by those who did not appreciate that they were putting the lives of the birds at risk, and we are just left to wonder how, when we spend so much of our time caring for injured birds and releasing them back to the wild, as well as erecting a network of nestboxes in the wild to help sustain non-captive populations of endangered species, anyone should single us out for attack.

Nevertheless we are pleased to report that throughout the last couple of days Andy and his team, aided and abetted by a number of volunteers who turned up at the Sanctuary to help, managed to retrieve 11 of the 12 escapees, the majority of who were found roosting in trees in the vicinity. Naturally, there was a whoop of delight when, around 5.30pm on Friday a very bedraggled and desolate Titch was found in a neighbouring copse by Matt, our sharp-eyed head falconer!

Titch was eventually found bedraggled but none the worst for wear…

Titch was eventually found bedraggled but none the worst for wear…

Through Saturday & Sunday, our hunt went on for the missing bird, whilst the police continue to work with some possibly incriminating evidence they removed from the crime scene, to catch the criminals.

Meanwhile we would like to thank all of you who e-mailed or telephoned your support & commiseration's from all parts of the UK following the broadcast of the news in the afternoon; and also to our loyal workforce and band of volunteers who spent cold, wet & worried days out in the field trying to salvage the situation. You have done a marvellous job.

To the perpetrators, we say this: if you have issues about the work of the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary and its activities and would like to discuss them, please contact us - we will be happy to illustrate and demonstrate (we are sure, to beyond reasonable doubt) that the work we do is valid, and that the destructive action taken by whoever wilfully let loose these birds did nothing the improve their quality of life or chances of survival - in fact, you did exactly the reverse.